Partners in Care

Donors who give $1,000 or more annually are members of our annual donor club—Partners in Care (PIC). This program unites you with others who share your compassion and generosity for making a difference in the lives of BC’s most seriously injured or critically ill patients.

We recognize the leadership and generosity of individuals who make an annual gift to VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation at the Partners in Care level. We believe that their commitment is vital to revolutionizing the future of health care in BC.

Program Levels & Benefits

Annual donations of $1,000+
  • Exclusive invitation to the Partners in Care annual event
  • Listing on the Annual Giving Donor Wall
  • Partners in Care membership souvenir
  • Impact newsletter and updates
  • Personal member representative at VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
  • Milestone Stewardship Reports (every 5 years of consecutive giving) 
Annual donations of $5,000+
  • All of the above, plus:
  • Listing in VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation Annual Report
Cumulative donations of $10,000+
  • All of the above, plus:
  • Invitations to tours and other special events
Cumulative donations of $25,000+
  • All of the above, plus:
  • Permanent recognition on the Lifetime Giving Donor Wall

To explore your Partners in Care membership, please contact Christine Smith at

NB: Cumulative donations of $10,000, up to and including Fiscal Year 2015/16, will be grandfathered and permanently recognized on the Lifetime Giving Donor Wall.